Relations économiques de la Russie avec Ukraine/Kazakstan/UE dans le spatial: du protectionnisme?

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Les relations dans le spatial entre la Russie et l'Ukraine risquent de devenir compliquées. Malgré la signature récente d'un accord de partenariat entre les deux pays, la signature entre l'Ukraine et l'UE d'un accord de coopération économique pousse les russes à mettre en balance les productions spatiales réalisées en Ukraine pour la Russie. Pour preuve les appels de Rogozine à rapatrier les productions sensibles aéronautiques et spatiales sur le territoire russe.

Aussi en cause le Kazakhstan avec l'appel de ce même Rogozine vice-premier ministre à relocaliser la totalité des lancements russes de Baïkonour à Vostochny.

Avec l'arrivée d'Ostapenko à la direction d eRoscosmos, les russes semblent vouloir protéger et relancer leur production spatiale. Un autre exemple avec les satellites de communications qui devraient faire moins appel à des technologies étrangères. ISS reshetnev va devoir peut-être revoir sa coopération avec les sociétés européennes...

16.11.2013 Russia threatens to close the space for Ukraine

After the signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union on Russia locates its production in the territory of all the space and aviation sectors. This was stated by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.

"We will not be able to place in the Ukraine, some" sensitive technologies ", we will have to completely isolate the territory of the Russian Federation. This means the problems associated with the future of the aviation industry, space cooperation, and much more ", - the official publication of the word.
15.11.2013 Rogozin: rocket-space industry will shift to the east

Construction of the cosmodrome "East" in the Amur region will ensure that the rocket and space industry Russia will shift to the east, said Friday in Novosibirsk at the forum "Tekhnoprom" Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.

"And we, I'll tell you a secret, preparing large-scale project in the Russian Far East, near the Chinese border in the Amur region (cosmodrome" East ".) Next year to finish all the work on the first phase of the launch pad - and it objectively lead to the fact that all space-rocket industry will shift to the east. Needless her to do in the European part, "- said Rogozin.

He noted that the introduction of all the objects cosmodrome "East" will give a unique opportunity for the removal of the open space of "any payload", RIA Novosti reported.
15.11.2013 "b": the head of Roscosmos suggested not to order satellites abroad

Oleg Ostapenko, head of the Russian Federal Space Agency proposes to abandon the practice of placing overseas orders for Russian spacecraft communications, broadcasting and retransmission civilian, the newspaper "Kommersant" on Friday, citing an official of profile Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.

"Roscosmos insists on refusing the services of foreign suppliers of such equipment as" security at the expense of the federal budget and the creation of launch services for launching space vehicles ordered from foreign companies, is a disguised form of state subsidy of their technological and industrial potential, "- writes newspaper.

As can be seen from the letter, the Federal Space Agency and the FAC in the formation of the Federal Space Program for 2016-2025 years, will discuss the creation of launch vehicles and spacecraft launches to ensure "Express", "taking into account the placement of orders for the supply of these spacecraft with a single supplier - JSC ISS" (" Information Satellite Systems ").

"As a result of the European concern EADS may lose part of Russian contracts" - the newspaper writes.

The customer sets "Express" - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Satellite Communications" - held the initiative "a direct violation of not only the principles of the WTO, and competition law." This was reported by representatives of the newspaper business, explaining that are required to conduct open competitions, RIA Novosti reported.

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