GPS et relief Afghan

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GPS et relief Afghan Empty GPS et relief Afghan

Message Mar 9 Mar 2010 - 23:04

Pour compenser la dégradation des performances du GPS du fait du relief Afghan, les militaires américains ont décidé de passer la constellation GPS de 24 à 27 satellites opérationnels.

New York Times a écrit:
(...) American units have found that satellite signals are weakened and even blocked outright by the breathtaking peaks and backbreaking valleys of Afghanistan — making it hard to pinpoint the troops’ location, navigate on patrol, identify friend from foe in battle or call in bombs and artillery when under attack.
So the top officer of the military’s Strategic Command, which is better known for control of the nation’s nuclear arsenal, has ordered up what might be called a “satellite surge” to increase the coverage and accuracy for GPS devices in the war zone.
The constellation of operational satellites that allows GPS devices to work is being expanded over the next year or two to 27 from 24.
L'article note que cette augmentation du nombre de satellites profitera aussi aux civils (une chance que Ben Laden ne se soit pas caché aux Pays-Bas 🤡 ).
Indirectement, c'est peut-être aussi une pierre de plus dans le jardin de Galileo ...

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