Passage de la NPO Energomach sous le contrôle de la RKK Energuia
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On sait que le gouvernement Russe souhaite réorganiser l'industrie spatiale russe en 4 ou 5 structures intégrées. Roscosmos est chargé de faire des propositions et Perminov propose d'intégrer Energomash dans une structure dont la base serait Energia. Bien sûr Energomash n'est pas d'accord...
Dmitri Pakhomov le patron d'Energomash a donné une interview dans laquelle il donne son point de vue sur la question mais aussi sur le marché des lanceurs commerciaux et donc celui des moteurs fusées... On y apprend ainsi que le prix du moteur RD171M est de l'ordre de 10 millions de dollars pour les ukrainiens mais que cela ne couvre pas son coût en raison d'un prix fixé trop bas en 2001.
Pour les amateurs voici l'interview (traduction automatique). On y parle aussi d'Angara, de Rus-M, des fusées américaines...
Dmitri Pakhomov le patron d'Energomash a donné une interview dans laquelle il donne son point de vue sur la question mais aussi sur le marché des lanceurs commerciaux et donc celui des moteurs fusées... On y apprend ainsi que le prix du moteur RD171M est de l'ordre de 10 millions de dollars pour les ukrainiens mais que cela ne couvre pas son coût en raison d'un prix fixé trop bas en 2001.
Pour les amateurs voici l'interview (traduction automatique). On y parle aussi d'Angara, de Rus-M, des fusées américaines...
- Spoiler:
- The attempt to include NGOs Energomash in the vertically integrated structure is created on the base of RSC Energia , could not only lead to the loss of key competences in the field of liquid rocket engines , but the consequences for Russia losing lucrative orders from U.S. missile corporations
Tlava " Roskosmos " Anatoly Perminov sent to the Government of his creative ideas organizational structure transformation space rocket industry in the near future. In accordance with this document during 2010-2012 has been proposed to form on the basis of all Russian space enterprises , five large, vertically integrated structures. The most powerful of them - the Russian Space Corporation - the agency intends to establish on the basis of RSC Energia and the Central Design Bureau "Progress" to include also a leading developer and manufacturer of rocket engines NPO Energomash . This issue prime minister Russia Vladimir Putin commissioned a detailed review at the next meeting MIC Commission , which should make the final verdict. But Anatoly Perminov has decided to be proactive . Chapter " Roskosmos has already launched a bureaucratic process of investing RSC Energia, the right of the sole executive body brings together under its umbrella companies. Such haste is easily explained. RSC Energia is now experiencing a huge deficit , which seems to have decided to make up for using the assets of the combining enterprises . The main commercial project "Energy " - Sea Launch - Launch of Ukrainian launch Zenit from the platform in the Pacific Ocean exactly one year ago on the verge of collapse. Operator this project Sea Launch has sued the State of Delaware action for voluntary bankruptcy , but in accordance with Chapter 11 of U.S. insolvency law their activities are not stopped . Its debts are estimated at about $ 1 billion , and net asset value does not exceed $ 100 million. At the same time the largest shareholder Sea Launch, a corporation Boeing ( it owns 40% stake ) , the interest of the Sea Launch has long lost . A year ago, Boeing has fulfilled all its obligations to creditors , including payment of unsettled debt amounting to 450 million dollars, and went out of business . At the same time Boeing demanded from the other shareholders Sea Launch compensation in proportion to their share in the authorized capital . However , RSC Energia ( owns 25 % stake) and its Ukrainian partners on the Sea Launch - ON Yuzhmash and Yuzhnoye " - refused to pay . Already last fall, Boeing Corporation has filed them in court . According to the director general of RSC Energia Vitali LopotaPaid on debt means Boeing can return the profits from the work of " Sea Launch " , control over which are passed to the " daughter " of RSC Energia. However , according to the head of "Energy "to get out of debt hole, companies need to be 150-200 million dollars. This project will be self-sustaining only if four or five Rockets Zenit year. "But if an efficient organization can expect and eight to ten launches each year " - sure Mr.Lopota . The only question is , where the falling market to find many orders for launches of Zenit. Obviously, this can be done only if a substantial reduction in prices. But this should in any way reduce the cost of the main components of the Zenith , especially rocket engines RD- 171MWhich supplies to Ukraine by NPO Energomash . In the Energomash sure that this is the main objective of the reform space industry , which started guide " Russian Space Agency . On why Energomash should not be combined with RSC Energia, and on what principles should be to create integrated structures in Russian space industry , CEO Energomash Dmitry Pakhomov was told by "experts."
- The reform plan , prepared by the head of " Russian Space Agency Anatoly Perminov, provides for the unification of all the space industry in the five vertically integrated structures. In accordance with this plan NPO Energomash proposed to include in the Russian space corporation, which will be formed on the basis of RSC Energia . How effective would such a union?
- I am firmly convinced that the hope for a positive result here is impossible. You ask about the effect of the association , but who thought ? Where a systematic project, its feasibility study, explaining why such a companies should unite it under the auspices such a golovnika ? NPO Energomash any joint developments with RSC Energia, the last few decades have not been and is not common case studies , we also do not have in the near future , apparently , will not. The only exceptions are some action design, have not received further development, and joint research in the field of disaster protection systems of new generation. But this is not a reason to unite us. For Power "and "Energy "- a completely different company . We do boosters , but they do manned space flight . In RSC Energia after closing the program " Energy - Buran " not a single carrier rocket of their development . And I do not see here any opportunities for synergy . Finally, nowhere in the world there are no examples of such integration. On the contrary , the whole world practice shows that the missilemen combined with rocket troops and dvigatelisty - with dvigatelistami . For example , Boeing and Lockheed Martin formed a joint venture United Launch Alliance (ULA), and Pratt & Whitney has teamed up with Rocketdyne. And nothing , everyone is happy . In any case, neither Boeing, or Lockheed Martin did not feel discomfort from the fact that they have their own units for the production of engines for its launch vehicles .
- That is the principle of vertical integration in space-rocket industry acceptable ?
- Exactly . First of all , because it is not universal , and has a pronounced selective . And this is very bad. For example , in our case, vertical integration will inevitably lead to a global reorganization of the entire production and design activities for Power " under the problem head- missile organization . I have no doubt that this will be done at the expense of the possibility of creating new types of engines, popular in the projects of other defense corporations, which are the competitors ' energy or they may be in the future.
Дмитрий Пахомов
Dmitri Pakhomov
Photo : Oleg cores
- What do you mean ?
- is an example of our production line. Look, we are now doing three types of rocket engines. Firstly, RD- 171M, Which is supplied to the Ukraine on Yuzhmash and is used in the first stage of the rocket Zenit. Secondly, RD - 191 - They will be equipped with rocket Angara posed GKNPTs Khrunichev . Finally , thirdly, RD - 180. These engines Energomash for many years supplied the U.S. consortium ULA for installation on missiles Atlas- 5. That is, we both play on several boards .
It's no secret that the foreign economic activity of RSC Energia is mainly associated with the project " Sea Launch " , which uses " Zenith ", while our export priority - program Atlas- 5. But the " energy "in this program is not involved , so the conflict of interests is inevitable .
- But under the auspices of RSC Energia, Central Design Bureau "Progress " is currently engaged in the development of promising new rocket "Rus - M, Which is expected to launch from the Baikonur " East " . At this rocket engines must be installed RD - 180. Is it contrary to your interests ?
- Never . On the contrary, we fully support this program . But it is at the initial stage of implementation . Now there is only preliminary design of rocket "Rus - M. Creating a missile objectively takes time . For example , the creation Booster " Energy " has taken almost 13 years , " Angara " created for fifteen years. Therefore, in order to save time and money , it was decided to use a rocket "Rus - M engine RD - 180. Although it was developed by means of a foreign customer , under the terms of our contract , this engine can be free and unrestricted use for the Russian space program. But to simply take RD -180 and put by "Rus - M impossible, because the missile will be used to perform including the manned program . So, we need to develop for RD -180 and fundamentally different system of emergency protection . The problem is that there is no final appearance of the new rockets , everything can many times change. Recently on scientific and technical Board of RSC Energia already been suggested to do a rocket launch site for the " East "based Ukrainian Zenit . Of course, it is only an idea, which must approve and Roskosmos , and the government .
So I am sure: if we come under the control of "energy" to make us to focus on production of engines for the Zenith , that in the current tough competition could cause irreparable damage to business Energomash . Of course , I am far from thinking that the issue RD -180 just stop. But the fact that this program will undergo a significant adverse change , almost without doubt . But , say , the project RD - 191 to NPO Energomash can actually be stopped . As they say , there are a number of opinions that the production of engines RD - 191 we need to pass one of the factories GKNPTs Khrunichev . Meanwhile, work on the program form nearly 40 percent of revenue for Power . And if we have it taken away , then the situation becomes critical for the company . We hope that " Roskosmos " take a balanced decision on this matter .
- What had to lose your business ?
- First, the loss of key competences in the field of liquid rocket engines ( rocket engine ), which now has NPO Energomash . We are the only developer propulsion engines operating on oxygen and kerosene , the entire space industry. Our KB - is the brain of rocket engines in Russia. It was conceived during the Soviet years . On the engine development NGOs Energomash fly and fly all the space rocket. We are not in the drawings and axial lines , and , as they say in the metal in the production of the entire line oxygen rocket engines with a thrust of 60 to 800 tons. This no one else in the world! But if we deprive independence by subordinating any missile corporation , the scientific and engineering schools will be destroyed . As a result Energomash turn into serial enterprise producing a limited range of rocket propulsion under the requirements of the Management Company , and the role of the design bureau is reduced to the function of supervision. This will not only weaken the position of Russian engine in the foreign market , but in general can lead to loss of orders.
- And on what principle should create integrated structure ?
- The global space market has only two key areas where Russian companies were able to occupy a worthy position - a sector launch services , including launch vehicles and rocket engine . It should be understood that the basis of any launch vehicle through which provided the launch services , is its most complex and knowledge-based component - rocket engine . Moreover, as history shows the creation of the best samples of missile technology , it is progress and innovation in the development of engines determine the birth of a missile system . I am therefore convinced that there is only one proper way to integrate design and production of rocket engines - an association in its corporate holding company . Only thus can we develop the existing potential and motivate design bureaus to create new engines for all domestic and overseas customers .
- To what extent this is justified from a commercial point of view?
- Integration of enterprises operating in one sector of business, within the overall thematic focus is much more efficient than the union to participate in a particular program . Since the first case, an integrated structure is able to develop engines for the different carriers and sell them to various missile manufacturing companies both in Russia and abroad . That is, a priori, will work on a more capacious market. Incidentally , this principle fully into account the previous plan of reform of our space industry, developed " Roskosmos "in the middle of the 2000th . In particular , he proposed the creation based NGOs Energomash engine manufacturing company "Russian rocket engines. But to the practical realization of the project it did not arrive.
- And now you propose to return to this idea?
- As an option - yes . We propose to form an integrated structure -based NGO for Power , which bring together a scientific, engineering , industrial technology and other resources to the motor industry enterprises. Her profile specialization should be the development and production of liquid rocket engines of large ( tens to hundreds of tons ) and small ( from tens of grams to hundreds of kilograms) of thrust , as well as electro- power plants of various kinds - from units to hundreds of grams of thrust. This centrally problem will be solved for engines and propulsion units on the base rockets different classes, upper stages and interorbital space vehicles.
And do not hurry. Should be carefully worked out scheme and a timetable for integration and release system project, which is at the start will answer the question , why is created holding company , and what scientific and technical and economic benefits it will give the industry.
At Energomash has a vision for the horizontal integration , the potential of its stages , and we brought him to the leadership of the Roskosmos , but not yet received an answer .
- With the integration of all clear , let us return to the engines . Now Russia is created once the two new media - " Angara " and "Rus -M, Which will set your engines . Which one are you linking the success of your business in the domestic market ?
- It is very difficult to say here something definite. Of course , we value both projects. You have to understand that readiness rocket Angara disproportionately higher than " Rus- M. The problem is that today's market there is no amount of payload for "Angara ", which was intended by its creators . Also important and the issue price of the media in modern conditions. Surrounding forecasts the first launch vehicle " Angara " - 2012-2013. Energomash its best experimental design work on the engine RD - 191 executed in the current year according to the planned legislative deadlines and will hold its certification . Last summer, have been successfully tested our engine in the first stage of "Angara " . We hold interdepartmental tests this year to ship the first flight kits RD - 191 in Khrunichev behalf Khrunichev . So RD - 191 - an absolute priority in our production program.
Дмитрий Пахомов
Dmitri Pakhomov
Photo : Oleg cores
- And how developing your partnership with the Americans ?
- We supply engines RD -180 in the U.S. for eleven years . During this time, exported a total of 46 engines. Of these, 27 have successfully completed their mission, it has brought Atlas rocket into space. The remaining 19 are kept in stock ULA. This kind of reserve, which the Americans find it necessary to have a contingency . You probably remember the story three years ago , when the supply RD -180 U.S. for some time were suspended .
We are currently in difficult negotiations on the five-year term, including an increase in supply. Acquired by an American partner our offer , which confirmed the readiness stages to increase the annual production from four to six, and then up to eight engines per year. On anything , depends on reaching agreement on price and payment terms . So we see good prospects of work at least until 2017 .
- As far as I know, has been assumed that Energomash supply in the U.S. a total of 101 motor. The entire contract is estimated at one billion dollars . Now , these conditions have changed ?
- We do have a framework agreement for the supply of 101 engine , and we intend to honor it. Certainly , in the work under the contract had to make changes in prices and delivery terms . Prices indexed mainly for high inflation and increasing cost of basic components . Nevertheless, I can tell you that the issue of price - one of those that in the past four years are best handled positively. Less lies in the fact that every time you transfer a new option in the firm contract you have to sit at the negotiating table and to provide customer support , to prove that the increased metal prices and so on. And you talk about in response to falling market , that the warehouses are still many engines, it is the immobilization of capital, and so on. But we managed to find compromises .
- And what is dictated by the interest of Americans in increasing the supply of your engines ? After commercial launch market continues to fall, and almost all the ambitious projects of NASA's exploration of the Moon and Mars, Barack Obama decided to cover .
- The situation was indeed unique . This year, Americans have come to an end shuttle flights . Moreover, suspended missile programs Ares V, which was intended for the orbiting Earth heavy loads , and manned spacecraft .
Alternatively, the United States are considering two options: either develop a new rocket from scratch , or create it on the basis of available rockets American production. In the latter case , if the Atlas to win the corresponding tender and based on it will create a " vehicle "to the ISS , and then a manned version , the rise and the need in the RD- 180.
If the U.S. decide to develop a new carrier , will inevitably be dealt with the issue of engines for the first and second stages . There will be a competition for the development of the engine , and participation in the Russian side can be very productive .
Incidentally, if we already had the motor holding, the chances of winning the contest would have been immeasurably higher, as we could make a package proposal on oxygen - kerosene and hydrogen engines at once for the first stage and for the second.
- How do you intend to use this situation to strengthen its position in the U.S. market?
- We must understand that " pure " Russia where nobody waits. Rules of the game now is such that for the U.S. market need to create a joint venture with a local corporation . Moreover, the rights to any development of this joint venture, which will later be used in NASA programs , will belong to the Americans. When we started in the nineties to work in the U.S. , so the question was not on . Energomash became the owner of the development , ie RD - 180. We have all the key design RD -180 decorated 20 patents in the U.S.. By the way, another 13 patents decorated in Europe , in countries where our technical solutions can be reproduced .
But now , if it is decided to organize a joint production in the U.S. territory of the new engine , intellectual property would have to share . In any case, it is because we realized the new conditions . We are trying to clarify the details. I think that by November all cleared up and we can report the situation " Roskosmos " and the government.
- And what about the supply of engines RD- 171M Ukraine ?
- We have the opportunity to produce up to six such engines a year, which coincides with the capacity of Yuzhmash , which annually produces five or six "Zenith " . As you know, RD- 171M supplied by the program "Sea Launch " Land Launch "as well as used in the interests of Russian Federal Space Program . But in 2009 for bankruptcy " Sea Launch " payments for engines for the project were stopped. Implementation of the other two programs continues and gives us a full load of production capacity RD- 171M the near future.
- To my knowledge , delivery of engines to Ukraine brings Energomash some losses. How long will this continue ?
- Indeed , for a long time we have supplied engines RD- 171M Ukraine at a price which was fixed Protocol " Russian Space Agency in September 2001 ( 7.575 million dollars for the engine. - Expert). Deliveries were carried out at this price until 2009. It should be noted that for new contracts in 2005, the price on the RD - 171M Enterprise has raised 30 percent in 2007, a further 37 per cent , but even the seemingly significant increase in prices does not provide the necessary cost-effectiveness due to too low a base value determined for almost ten years ago. We are now in negotiations with our Ukrainian partners on the price , payment conditions , delivery times and hope to find a mutually beneficial solution .
C'est vrai que ce serait étrange : un tel rapprochement donnerait à Energuia le contrôle des moteurs des lanceurs de Khrounitchev (Proton et Angara), son éternel concurrent...
Kosmonavtika - Le site de l'Espace russe
Selon diverses sources Energomash va passer sous le contrôle d'Energia plus rapidement que prévu. Les choses se sont accélérées depuis une lettre de V Lopota à Poutine demandant cette fusion rapide. L'ensemble des acteurs gouvernementaux sont favorables à cette fusion qui semblerait permettre à Energia d'être plus compétitive sur le marché spatial en raison du fait qu'Energomash génère des profits grâce à la vente des moteurs dans l'ensemble du monde.
Le sort d'Energomash se scellera début octobre lors d'une réunion le 4 octobre, le Directeur (Dmitry Pakhomov) actuel ayant déjà reçu la notification de la fin prématurée de son mandat pour le 5 octobre.
Ce ne sera pas la fin de la fusion sous l'égide d'Energia puisque d'ici 2012 sera créé l'OAO Russian Space Corporation qui réunira, outre Energia et Energomash, le TsSKB Progress et le groupe NII "Mashinostroienia"(Reserach Institute of Machine Building).
Commentaire: c'est le début de la naissance d'un géant spatial russe et sans doute une certaine rationalisation permettant de survivre dans un domaine très concurrentiel au niveau mondial. On sera curieux de savoir si cette entité prendra le nom de Korolyov, mettant un point final à la lutte (posthume) entre Korolyov et Glushko... ou si chaque branche gardera son nom.
Le sort d'Energomash se scellera début octobre lors d'une réunion le 4 octobre, le Directeur (Dmitry Pakhomov) actuel ayant déjà reçu la notification de la fin prématurée de son mandat pour le 5 octobre.
Ce ne sera pas la fin de la fusion sous l'égide d'Energia puisque d'ici 2012 sera créé l'OAO Russian Space Corporation qui réunira, outre Energia et Energomash, le TsSKB Progress et le groupe NII "Mashinostroienia"(Reserach Institute of Machine Building).
Commentaire: c'est le début de la naissance d'un géant spatial russe et sans doute une certaine rationalisation permettant de survivre dans un domaine très concurrentiel au niveau mondial. On sera curieux de savoir si cette entité prendra le nom de Korolyov, mettant un point final à la lutte (posthume) entre Korolyov et Glushko... ou si chaque branche gardera son nom.
Rocket and Space Corporation Energia was able to obtain government approval for an accelerated establishment of OAO "Russian Space Corporation". According to the plans Roskosmos integration of enterprisesRSC Energia, OAO SRPSRC TsSKB-Progress ", JSC" NPO Energomash and Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research Institute of Machine Building in a corporation created under the auspices of the RSC Energia, was scheduled for 2012, but "energy" on a background of stormy debate about the meaning of such an association has asked Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to allow the merger to begin right now. Roskosmos, Economic Development and the Federal Property Management Agency supported the request, and the directive of the Government received. Immediately after that was convened by the Board of Directors of NPO Energomash,manufacturer of rocket engines which will join the "Energy" in the first place. On October 4 for a special meeting of shareholders of NGOs, which is planned to "Energy" powers of the sole executive body of the NPO Energomash. CEO NGOs Energomash Dmitry Pakhomov already received notification that its authority terminated on October 5.
I wrote to Putin head of RSC Energia
President of RSC Energia, Vitaly Lopota sent a letter to Vladimir Putin on July 30. His main thesis - "Energy" is not enough money, this might fix the speedy integration into the company related companies. Then for their products will not have to pay full price and will be able to save. In the same letter suggested that the State return Lopota share control of RSC Energia, because today the Federal Property Agency, only 38% of the company. Lopota believes that the state-owned block of shares should be increased to 75% plus one share, either by buying securities on the market, either through additional issue.
As a positive effect on the forced integration of the head of "Energy" Putin promised that by 2015 his company was "2-3 times increase its competitiveness in the international space market."
Ministry of Economic Development, Federal Property Management Agency and Roskosmos no objection
Ministry of Economic Development supported the idea of accelerated integration. In a letter to the chairman of the Government dated September 4, Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Anatoly Klepach pointed out that the early transfer of "energy" of control over NGOs Energomash provide "some positive effects", including "improving the quality of management and submission of corporate control of a single unifying purpose." It is said that the author of these lines is on the board of directors of RSC Energia.
Roscosmos idea as soon as possible to pay subcontractors under the wing of "Energy" too much. Deputy Head Agency Vitaly Davydov wrote in the Sept. 7 government that the idea of giving "energy" functions of the governing body Energomash supports Rosimuschestvo. Davydov, by the way, also member of the Board of Directors of RSC Energia.
October 4 NPO Energomash change the power
As departments and agencies against the speedy transfer Energomash under the control of "energy" did not object, Putin authorized the launching of the association. The directive was signed on 10 September and 14 September at the office of the board of directors held Roscosmos NPO Energomash, who was appointed on 4 October extraordinary meeting of shareholders of the company. The agenda of one question - about the handover of the management company RSC Energia.
In the NPO Energomash "Marker" reported that the company CEO Dmitry Pakhomov already received notification of early termination of their powers from 5 October.
patchfree a écrit: On sera curieux de savoir si cette entité prendra le nom de Korolyov, mettant un point final à la lutte (posthume) entre Korolyov et Glushko... ou si chaque branche gardera son nom.
Et pourquoi pas les 2 noms en mête temps, comme Lookheed Martin, Mcdoneell douglas, Mikoyan Gourevitch, ça donnerai Korolyov Gloushko (ou Kog, comme Mig ) ;)
C'est just une question d'habitude
ManouchKa- Messages : 1105
Inscrit le : 20/09/2006
Age : 47
Localisation : chez wam
Encore plus de concentration et donc encore moins de concurence intérieure : ça respire le quasi monopole au final. :down:
Aussi, je note les termes : "competitiveness" ... "space market".
L'astronautique russe ne raisonne plus qu'en terme de business et de marché et quasiment plus dans l'esprit "exploration spatiale" ... Décevant.
J'espère que l'appellation Energia disparaitra définitivement vu l'absence totale d'énergie (justement !) de cette société pour sauver le lanceur du même nom,
ni même ses reliques éparpillés au fond d'un hall effondré.
Aussi, je note les termes : "competitiveness" ... "space market".
L'astronautique russe ne raisonne plus qu'en terme de business et de marché et quasiment plus dans l'esprit "exploration spatiale" ... Décevant.
J'espère que l'appellation Energia disparaitra définitivement vu l'absence totale d'énergie (justement !) de cette société pour sauver le lanceur du même nom,
ni même ses reliques éparpillés au fond d'un hall effondré.
Gasgano- Messages : 2710
Inscrit le : 07/03/2007
Age : 70
Localisation : 91 & 44
Gasgano a écrit:Encore plus de concentration et donc encore moins de concurence intérieure : ça respire le quasi monopole au final. :down:
Aussi, je note les termes : "competitiveness" ... "space market".
L'astronautique russe ne raisonne plus qu'en terme de business et de marché et quasiment plus dans l'esprit "exploration spatiale" ... Décevant.
J'espère que l'appellation Energia disparaitra définitivement vu l'absence totale d'énergie (justement !) de cette société pour sauver le lanceur du même nom,
ni même ses reliques éparpillés au fond d'un hall effondré.
Doutais-tu que le système capitaliste se soit largement développé en Russie?
Je sais bien que c'est triste de voir du beau matériel abandonné, mais l'effort financier était démusuré au regard de la puissance économique réelle de la Russie.
Comme annoncé Energomash est passé sous le contrôle d'Energia et un nouveau Directeur Exécutif a été nommé.
Il s'agit de l'Academician Vladimir L. Solntsev, un ancien dirigeant de banque (Vice President of VTB Bank.)
Il s'agit de l'Academician Vladimir L. Solntsev, un ancien dirigeant de banque (Vice President of VTB Bank.)
pourquoi un banquier mais pas un expert en la matière :scratch:
Capitalisme quand tu nous tiens
Capitalisme quand tu nous tiens
ManouchKa- Messages : 1105
Inscrit le : 20/09/2006
Age : 47
Localisation : chez wam
ManouchKa a écrit:pourquoi un banquier mais pas un expert en la matière :scratch:
Capitalisme quand tu nous tiens
Parce que le problème d'Energia est financier. Si j'ai bien compris la donne, Energia fait un business qui est peu lucratif alors qu'Energomash fait du blé avec la vente des moteurs. En plus clair: Energia qui est la plus en vue au niveau spatial visible supporte une charge financière importante sans avoir une activité commerciale forte. Il s'agit de rendre ce groupe équilibré.
A terme il va y avoir au moins 3 groupes spatiaux avec chacun une activité commerciale lui permettant de continuer à faire par ailleurs son activité de base pour l'intérêt fédéral:
- Energia/Energomash/TsSKB Progress: les lanceurs pour véhicules habités (soyouz puis Rus-M), les lancements comerciaux Soyouz et la vente de moteurs fusée
- Khrunitchev: le secteur des lancements militaire et les lancements commerciaux Proton puis Angara
- Reshetnev/Lavochkhin: les satellites Glonass et les sondes interplanétaires et les satellites commerciaux
Ainsi chaque domaine de l'espace "fédéral" s'appuira sur une activité "commerciale".
Comme souvent: pragmatiques les russes!
Dernière édition par patchfree le Sam 23 Oct 2010 - 17:39, édité 1 fois
Merci patchfree , c'est plus clair pour maintenant.
ManouchKa- Messages : 1105
Inscrit le : 20/09/2006
Age : 47
Localisation : chez wam
Il faut ajouter à la liste des entreprises incorporées dans Energia (qui va prendre le nom de RSC Energia, soit le même nom mais avec une signification légèrement différente: Russian Space Corporation et non plus Rocket and Space Corporation) NPO Avtomatiki qui concoit et produit les systèmes de contrôle des fusées (Soyouz et Rus-M ensuite). Cette fusion sera terminée en 2012. et NK
State Research and Production Space Rocket Center TsSKB-Progress and the Scientific-Production Association of Automation (NPOA) will be part of the Rocket and Space Corporation (RSC) Energia, in 2012, said the President, General Designer of RKK Vitaly Lopota.
"In the space industry for the target program is being reorganized"- he said.
"Part of being connected to RSC Enterprises is a federal state unitary enterprises. In order to integrate them into our corporation, you first need to reincorporate. According to plans of these works will be completed in 2012"- added Lopota, transmits ITAR-TASS.
In addition, Vitaly Lopota said that the corporation "Energy" has entered the Scientific-Production Association "Energomash". "realized the decision that was made in the middle of last year. Recommendations were Rosimushchestvo to firm around which is integration, should strictly control the technical, financial and human resource policies in the integrated enterprise", - said the chief designer.
RSC President noted that the initiative was proposed by Rosimushchestvo integration mechanism by which do not have to "wait until the inventory will be since it is a long process, but to go on the script use "Energy" sole executor".
RKK "Energy" - a strategic venture in Russia, head of manned space systems. The company is also developing a dedicated unmanned space systems for various applications, missile systems for spacecraft in orbit.
Scientific-Production Association "Energomash" is the leading company in the world in the development of powerful liquid rocket engines for launch vehicles.
State Research and Production Space Rocket Center "TsSKB-Progress" - the leading Russian company to develop, manufacture and operation of launch vehicles of the middle class, unmanned spacecraft for Earth remote sensing and scientific purposes.
Scientific Production Association of Automation develops and manufactures control systems and electronic equipment for missile and space technology for process automation in various branches of domestic industry. et NK
Je viens de découvrir cette information sur le site de NPO Energomash: un moteur RD-171M (fusée Zenit) a explosé lors du test d'allumage pour son acceptation en fin de production le 25 décembre de l'année dernière (2009 donc). Je n'avais pas repéré cette info... Cause de l'accident: présence d'un objet organique dans le moteur!! Ils ont donc renforcé les inspections post-production.
Avec le moteur d'une fusée Sealaunch qui avait conduit à la perte d'un satellite, cela fait beaucoup! Coup de chance, si on peut dire, Sealaunch était en "arrêt maladie" à cette époque et surtout il y a toujours maintenant un test "à chaud" des moteurs avant de les envoyer au client.
Espérons qu'avec son intégration dans Energia, NPO Energomah va redoubler de précaution dans son contrôle qualité... Comment une souris peut-elle pénétrer dans un moteur? (là c'est moi qui suspecte le petit animal :oops:)
Avec le moteur d'une fusée Sealaunch qui avait conduit à la perte d'un satellite, cela fait beaucoup! Coup de chance, si on peut dire, Sealaunch était en "arrêt maladie" à cette époque et surtout il y a toujours maintenant un test "à chaud" des moteurs avant de les envoyer au client.
Espérons qu'avec son intégration dans Energia, NPO Energomah va redoubler de précaution dans son contrôle qualité... Comment une souris peut-elle pénétrer dans un moteur? (là c'est moi qui suspecte le petit animal :oops:)
patchfree a écrit:Comment une souris peut-elle pénétrer dans un moteur? (là c'est moi qui suspecte le petit animal :oops:)
peut-être comme celle-ci qui tentait sa chance
cela a dû chauffer pour elle :blbl: :megalol: :megalol:
tatiana13- Messages : 6102
Inscrit le : 25/06/2009
Age : 74
Localisation : galaxie
A priori, Energomach pourrait (déjà) sortit du "joug d'Energuia...
- Spoiler:
- 05.12.2012
Итогом проводимой проверки в НПО "Энергомаш" может стать выход этого предприятия из состава РКК "Энергия"
Проверка в НПО "Энергомаш" направлена на выведение его из-под крыла Ракетно-космической корпорации (РКК) "Энергия", что приведет к развалу конкурентоспособного на международном рынке предприятия, заявил "Интерфаксу-АВН" во вторник источник в ракетно-космической отрасли.
"Проверка, инициированная бывшим руководством "Энергомаша", направлена на то, чтобы забрать это предприятие у управляющей компании - РКК "Энергии", - сказал собеседник агентства.
По его словам, печальным итогом проверки может стать передача производства двигателей РД-191, созданных для ракеты "Ангара", с НПО "Энергомаш" на ПО "Полет", которое принадлежит Космическому центру им. Хруничева (отвечает за создание ракеты "Ангара"), а также приостановка внешнеэкономической деятельности предприятия - поставки за рубеж двигателей РД-171 и РД-180.
Эксперт напомнил, что двигатели РД-171 применяются в российско-украинской ракете "Зенит", которая используется по проекту "Морской старт", а двигателями РД-180 оснащаются американские ракеты "Атлас-5".
"Проверка призвана доказать, что РКК "Энергия" покупает продукцию "Энегомаша" практически за бесценок, хотя за несколько лет цена одного двигателя РД-171, по которой его покупает РКК "Энергия", поднялась с 7,5 млн рублей до 14,5 млн рублей", - отметил собеседник агентства.
По его словам, проверка проходит с нарушениями законодательства об акционерных обществах, поскольку Роскосмос назначил проверяющую комиссию без согласования с советом директоров предприятия. В связи с этим РКК "Энергия" направила в Роскосмос официальное письмо, в котором назвала проверку незаконной.
По словам собеседника агентства, необходимости проведения проверки на предприятии нет, поскольку экономическая ситуация на нем в последние два года существенно улучшилась.
"С 2010 года, когда НПО "Энергомаш" было передано в управление РКК "Энергии", выручка предприятия выросла с 2,8 млрд рублей до примерно 8 млрд рублей по состоянию на 2012 год, а чистый убыток в размере 600 млн рублей в 2010 году превратился в 100 млн рублей прибыли по состоянию на 2012 год", - сказал он.
В свою очередь президент РКК "Энергия" Виталий Лопота заявил "Интерфаксу-АВН", что у него нет претензий к работе НПО "Энергомаш".
"У нас прозрачная экономика. Мы в убыток не работаем: выручку увеличили более чем в 2,5 раза, объем производства с 2010 года вырос более чем вдвое.
У РКК "Энергия" как у управляющей компании нет никаких претензий ни к исполнительному руководству "Энергомаша", ни к Совету директоров, ни к ревизионной комиссии, в которую, кстати, входят представители Роскосмоса", - сказал он.
Kosmonavtika - Le site de l'Espace russe
Honnêtement .. je n'ai pas bien compris ce que cela avait changé dans le sens "entrant".
Donc je suis dans le même brouillard dans le sens "sortant"
Donc je suis dans le même brouillard dans le sens "sortant"
montmein69- Donateur
- Messages : 20962
Inscrit le : 01/10/2005
Age : 73
Localisation : région lyonnaise
nikolai39 a écrit:A priori, Energomach pourrait (déjà) sortit du "joug d'Energuia...
- Spoiler:
Итогом проводимой проверки в НПО "Энергомаш" может стать выход этого предприятия из состава РКК "Энергия"
Проверка в НПО "Энергомаш" направлена на выведение его из-под крыла Ракетно-космической корпорации (РКК) "Энергия", что приведет к развалу конкурентоспособного на международном рынке предприятия, заявил "Интерфаксу-АВН" во вторник источник в ракетно-космической отрасли.
"Проверка, инициированная бывшим руководством "Энергомаша", направлена на то, чтобы забрать это предприятие у управляющей компании - РКК "Энергии", - сказал собеседник агентства.
По его словам, печальным итогом проверки может стать передача производства двигателей РД-191, созданных для ракеты "Ангара", с НПО "Энергомаш" на ПО "Полет", которое принадлежит Космическому центру им. Хруничева (отвечает за создание ракеты "Ангара"), а также приостановка внешнеэкономической деятельности предприятия - поставки за рубеж двигателей РД-171 и РД-180.
Эксперт напомнил, что двигатели РД-171 применяются в российско-украинской ракете "Зенит", которая используется по проекту "Морской старт", а двигателями РД-180 оснащаются американские ракеты "Атлас-5".
"Проверка призвана доказать, что РКК "Энергия" покупает продукцию "Энегомаша" практически за бесценок, хотя за несколько лет цена одного двигателя РД-171, по которой его покупает РКК "Энергия", поднялась с 7,5 млн рублей до 14,5 млн рублей", - отметил собеседник агентства.
По его словам, проверка проходит с нарушениями законодательства об акционерных обществах, поскольку Роскосмос назначил проверяющую комиссию без согласования с советом директоров предприятия. В связи с этим РКК "Энергия" направила в Роскосмос официальное письмо, в котором назвала проверку незаконной.
По словам собеседника агентства, необходимости проведения проверки на предприятии нет, поскольку экономическая ситуация на нем в последние два года существенно улучшилась.
"С 2010 года, когда НПО "Энергомаш" было передано в управление РКК "Энергии", выручка предприятия выросла с 2,8 млрд рублей до примерно 8 млрд рублей по состоянию на 2012 год, а чистый убыток в размере 600 млн рублей в 2010 году превратился в 100 млн рублей прибыли по состоянию на 2012 год", - сказал он.
В свою очередь президент РКК "Энергия" Виталий Лопота заявил "Интерфаксу-АВН", что у него нет претензий к работе НПО "Энергомаш".
"У нас прозрачная экономика. Мы в убыток не работаем: выручку увеличили более чем в 2,5 раза, объем производства с 2010 года вырос более чем вдвое.
У РКК "Энергия" как у управляющей компании нет никаких претензий ни к исполнительному руководству "Энергомаша", ни к Совету директоров, ни к ревизионной комиссии, в которую, кстати, входят представители Роскосмоса", - сказал он.
Heu je ne comprends pas la conclusion que tu tires de la lecture de cet article.
Il est possible qu'Energomash ne soit plus au sein d'Energia après les restructurations de l'industrie spatiale russe mais l'article cité ne dit pas ça, et par ailleurs j'ai lu récemment le contraire, c'est-à-dire qu'Energomash resterait au sein d'Energia.
Ceci dit je ne lis que des traduction du russe, alors je peux me tromper...
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