Vols sub-orbitaux: le point de vue de Perminov

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Dans l'interview qu'il a donné à Vesti, Perminov a été répondu à une question sur les vols commerciaux sub-orbitaux. Selon lui ce ne sera pas rentable. Trop cher pour quelques minutes, et pas très sécurisé. Peut-être sur une base privée et/ou commerciale.

- Americans propose everybody to participate in suborbital space missions. It is also space tourism. Will Russia develop a vehicle for amateurs?

- Not under the state programs. None of our federal programs contain this line. On the other hand, this project is studied in Russia, one of our companies studied it, and this company deals with this topic today. According to my knowledge, it is very costly. There is no way to reimburse the investments, even with the tickets for 200-300,000 dollars, if the system with the launcher developed by us is applied.

- How about making the tickets more expensive?

- Then it becomes non- profitable. For one million dollars, nobody would desire to fly to space for a few minutes. My personal opinion is that suborbital missions are more complicated and less safe than the complicated flights to the ISS. Here, it all has been validated and tested, safety has the highest priority. So, to my mind, it should be done on commercial basis, but not under the state programs. I will support such programs with great pleasure, if some industrial corporation initiates it.

[Roscosmos http://www.roscosmos.ru/NewsDoSele.asp?NEWSID=5920]

Messages : 6152
Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
Localisation : Poitiers


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