Mise en service de l'antenne Klion chez Rechetnev

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Une antenne de 9 m de diamètre pour le contrôle des satellites civils.

Klion Ground Station Introduced in Reshetnev ISS
Klion Ground Station has been introduced in Reshetnev Informational Satellite Systems company in July.
The station is intended for control of the civil spacecraft developed under the order of the Russian Federal Space Agency. Klion is located at the territory of Reshetnev company and includes full-rotating antenna system with the mirror D 9m developed by NPP ATS and SW and HW system designed by RNII KP federal company.
The first test of the Klion system has been performed with the Sterkh spacecraft developed by Polyot company of Omsk. Sterkh belongs to Roscosmos orbital constellation. TM acquisition and transmission to MCC were successful.
The Klion station is deployed in the framework of central ground control system Krasnoyarsk-26 in the Roscosmos united state automatic ground satellite control system. One more station Komparus is to start operations in Reshetnev ISS in late 2009. About 10 ground stations are planned to comprise Krasnoyarsk-26.


Messages : 6152
Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
Localisation : Poitiers


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J'ajoute des photos:

Mise en service de l'antenne Klion chez Rechetnev 010809-1_b

Mise en service de l'antenne Klion chez Rechetnev 010809-2_b
...et ceux qui s'en occupent.


Messages : 6152
Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
Localisation : Poitiers


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